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Watch the Panel: Social Media and Your Career, September 21, 2011

The Panel discussion is now live! We have separated it into four parts. Scroll down to get the rest of the discussion.

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4



Just a few more hours to Showtime!

Join your fellow travelers on the journey through Social Media...

Image courtesy of Petr Kratochvil/Public Domain

We are expecting a great turnout tonight, and are excited about what everyone–moderators, panelists, and audience–will bring to the discussion on Social Media and Your Career!

Come right at 7:00 pm to take advantage of networking and knoshing. We’ll have some light snacks and beverages supplied, so take advantage of this opportunity to get to know your fellow Social Media journeymen.

The discussion begins promptly at 7:45 pm. Our panelist have particular areas of expertise, which they will spotlight in their responses:

Jennifer Oliver O’Connell-Reinvention through Social Media

Douglas E. Welch-Social Media Self-Preservation

Susan M. Baker-Social Media for the Entrepreneur/SoloPreneur

Marla Dennis-Branding through Social Media

There is still time to register! Click on the keyboard link in the right-hand corner of this blog, or go to the Event link on the Social Media Week website: Social Media and Your Career.

We will see you tonight!




Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, As The Girl Turns




Three most common misperceptions of Facebook

Change your life and career, using Social Media Image courtesy of Marla Dennis

 By Marla Dennis, Personal Branding Expert/Social Media Savvy Coach

I know you know how important it is to use Facebook as a networking tool. You may have heard positive stories from your friends and associates in how using FB and Twitter attracted clients and customers; and even brought them closer to lost relatives and friends.

BUT, emotionally that voice inside you says, “No way, I’m not getting out there!”  You just want a smart, savvy, strategic, streamlined way to make using Social Media easier and make sense to your emotions. (It’s coming!)

Here are three most common misperceptions of Facebook or Twitter (no fault of your own):

1. Who cares what I post on FB or Twitter? 

2. I don’t have the time – it’s too much work

 3. I’m a private person; I don’t want people knowing my life.

Here are my answers to these legitimate concerns that define what is possible for you.  My respected clients have come to know the truth and reality of the power of their personal brand while using Facebook and Twitter:

Who cares what I post on Facebook?

When you are strategic with whom you allow into your friend community and invite to your fan page, the “right” people will not only care about what you post, they will engage with you and want to build relationships. There are topics of interest to post that will create engagement and interaction, which I will discuss on Wed evening, promise J

I don’t have the time – it’s too much work

I agree it is a lot work when you don’t have a simple system and strategy. There is a “method to the madness” of social media where it creates lead generation and quality contacts for personal and professional development. I do not want you on Facebook longer than 10-15 min a day (M-F) using both your smart-phone and laptop! It’s all about being streamlined. Your time is precious. FB time is revenue producing time. The amount of people interested in you and your expertise is vast and plentiful on Facebook. Be smart. Get on it! You are honestly leaving quality relationships, rich info, and money on the table each day you avoid learning how to use this expansive tool. I’ll give you info on Wed night on the tool I most use and recommend to my clients to save them time on Facebook while gaining the best visibility.

I’m a private person; I don’t want people knowing my life.

Many of us are private. However, there are ways to be SAVVY and sophisticated with your content – that turns you into a respected contributor to Facebook and people’s lives. Learn how to reveal just enough to create engagement and interest while delivering a brilliant personal brand that builds your reputation and business revenues. Plus there are privacy settings to ease your mind. 🙂

Take advantage of my 20+ years of Hollywood branding expertise combined with my creative social media and online marketing systems to make LIFE easier for you. Your easiest way to get started is my eGuide, “Step into the Spolight with Confidence, Savvy & Ease: A Business eGuide to Personal Branding in a Social Reward Economy.” I’ll have an opportunity for your to order a copy at the panel discussion on Wed!

See you then!

From Plainsville to Hollywood! Going from Anonymous to Fabulous on Social Media

By Marla Dennis, Personal Branding Expert & Social Media Savvy Coach

Use Social Media to move from obscurity to the Red Carpet of your Career! Image Courtesy of Marla Dennis

I’m using my Hollywood Red Carpet days to help you brand YOU. A personal brand can be powerful even outside of Hollywood! So let’s take you from Plainsville to Hollywood to illuminate your voice, image and message.

And it all starts from the inside out.

Who are you to your market? Are they clear with your message? Your expertise? How you can be the solution to their challenge? How do you feel about  YOU? What passions light you up? Where do you most feel alive? The answers to these questions (and more) make a potent brand.

Today’s social media marketing requires us to be a SAVVY personal brand with compelling content that resonates with your market. And I might add, “content is queen” in the world of social media. Be outstanding in your content, which is part of your brand, and you will have the world at your fingertips.

So where do you start?

Click here for my Top 10 Facebook Strategies That Save Time and Frustration and Turn YOU into a Savvy, Smart Marketer Who Creates Results.

Read more at:

Poll: What do YOU Believe about Social Media?

Why No One Can Afford to Miss the Social Media Train

courtesy of ivanpw under flickr Creative Commons License

There is a great article in Inc. Magazine this month regarding Social Media.  They interviewed the guys who created Blog World & New Media Expo (taking place this year from November 3-5 in Los Angeles).

Rick Calvert and Dave Cynkin talk about how businesses, particularly small businesses can no longer ignore social media…its not an option!  They call it the great equalizer, in that it helps small businesses have more reach and large businesses act small again by interacting directly with their customers.

They also talk about the fact that just like everyone is expected to know how to use a computer (and the software that comes with it) today — whether you are looking for a traditional job or starting your own business, knowledge of Social Media will soon be an expectation.

There is a great quote in the article that the guys like to repeat themselves from Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media:  “You are not too old to learn social media;  you’re just lazy.”  Harsh words?  Maybe.  But look for the grain of truth.  Have you met anyone recently who drives a model T Ford? 🙂

Where do you fall?  Are you an early adopter of these kinds of trends?  Or a resister?  How can we help?  We’ll be talking about all sorts of ways you can work Social Media into your strategies next Tuesday night.  Don’t miss it.

You can also read the article for yourself.

BlogWorld Recommends 25 Social Media Posts Everyone Should Read

"Digital Background" by Jean Sander/Public Domain

Part of becoming Social Media savvy is reading the “trade papers” of the industry.

BlogWorld & New Media Expo Blog is one of those essential online publications. It is an information site that captures the latest and greatest in all aspects of Social Media and New Media in a fresh, ferocious, and sometimes funny way.

BlogWorld has been featured in the September issue of Inc. Magazine and maintains a team of bloggers that cover a spectrum of  topics: from business, to fashion, to entertainment, to career advice.

This piece from BlogWorld caught my eye as an appropriate entry point for career-seekers, transitioners, and entrepreneurs. It is a great way to get your feet wet in the Social Media stream.

25 Social Media Posts Everyone Should Read.

Poll: How much do you really know about Social Media?

Four Simple Steps to Keeping Your Social Media Presence Flowing

Whether your goal is to land that big job you’ve been seeking, attract employers to you or create your own career through becoming a solopreneur an easy four step strategy will simplify the  social media process for you and make it doable.
For solopreneurs the internet is an invaluable tool that levels the playing field with the big brands.  Using social media as leverage can help solopreneurs  find the clients and customers who will most benefit from their products and services.
It all begins with building a community and a brand, in essence, creating the culture of your business and inviting people in to take part.
Remember social media is just that – its “social”…creating a static, one way flow of information will not help you much in this world and it can also be overwhelming and hard to gauge, but having a strategy that is doable, and maintainable helps you stay on target.
I suggest the following…

Connect – this is where the “social” in social media comes into play and it is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART – the point is to connect with others, not just run up your numbers, but get to know people, talk to them, exchange information with them.  People are more likely to become fully fledged members of your community when they feel an alliance with you.

Inspire – what relates to your business that can inspire others?  Remember, its all about the story.  In today’s world people need inspiration, if they find it from you, they are likely to connect.

Educate – If you have cool, fun, informative, mind blowing information to share with your community surrrounding common interests do it – many people find their best knowledge through social media.  This will keep clients and customers coming back for more.

Entertain – Who doesn’t need a laugh?  There are many ways to entertain…I would almost say this should be “entertain/enlighten” because I think you can do both…but this is also a good way to deepen your connections and bonds with your community and further the mission of your business.

If you do all four of these on a regular basis, you will organically earn the right to promote yourself or your services…your community will want to know, just as you will want to know from them, what they are promoting…and you can do it in a way that isn’t overbearing, pushy or salesy…you can do it in a way that is more real…you have skills, talents, services that they need and this is a way to let people know.

Poll: How do you use Social Media?